Good for your heart: Asparagus contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds which benefits heart health.
Good for digestive support: Asparagus contains the unique carbohydrate, inulin, that’s excellent for gut health.
Good for regulating blood sugar: A cup of raw asparagus gives 3 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.
Boasts an impressive nutrition profile: Aspragaus is super rich in B vitamins folate and B2. It is an excellent source of copper, selenium and vitamin K.
Did you know that pregnant women can benefit by eating a cup of asparagus every day? Folate and other minerals are important for the nerve development of the infant.
How to choose and store asparagus
Pick ones that look fresh and firm
Look for tender stems, with purplish tips
Look for rounded stems and not twisted
Store in refrigerator with ends wrapped in damp paper towel
Cook within 2 – 3 days for best flavor and taste