The right tea ingredients can kickstart your natural detoxification process and accelerate your weight loss. What is detox tea used for besides jump starting your metabolism? By drinking detox tea, you may experience the following health benefits:
More Energy and Mental Alertness
A life without toxin overload reduces fatigue and mood swings. It also increases your energy level so that you are alert and fit.
Clear and Smooth skin
Through daily exposure to toxins and chemicals the pores of your skin can get clogged. This can cause wrinkles, dryness, red spots and pimples. Your skin is often called the ‘mirror’ of the health of your organs. Detoxing with tea is an easy way to get a fresh, smooth and healthy glowing skin
Better Digestion
The digestive system gets a chance to rest during a cleanse, and at the same time get a jump start to digest your meals. Make sure you combine your detox tea with eating clean and real (unprocessed) food.
Empower your Liver
When you detox, buildup toxins are removed from your body, and your liver can work optimally. The state of your liver affects your immune system, mood, metabolism and your ability to fight disease. When your liver is no longer overloaded with toxins, it can do a proper job of taking care of your health.
Reduce Inflammation
A number of tea ingredients reduce inflammation and swelling in the body. Watermelon, cucumber, strawberries and ginger are some examples, which also ease digestion.