DIY & How To Tips Health & Fitness

Burn A Bay Leaf In Your House.. The Reason?


Burn A Bay Leaf In Your House.. The Reason? You’ll Be Amazed !

When you come back, you are going to notice an entirely different atmosphere, and you are going to smell the pleasant, relaxing smoke. The flames of the bay leaf will release substances that can enhance the atmosphere, and create very positive energy flow. Burning bay leaves have 2 important benefits, of course there are more, but here is just 2 that I came up with.

#1.  Reduces Anxiety:  The bay leaf contains a compound called linalool. A study by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists found that linalool decreases anxiety and enhances social interaction.

#2.  Respiratory Relief:  WOW who would have known, Bay leaves contain mycrene and eugenol. Both of these compounds possess great anti-inflammatory properties and are, in fact, used heavily in stress reduction therapy.  When you burn a bay leaf, these compounds become airborne. Once inhaled, they will reduce any respiratory inflammation. This can work wonders if you suffer from allergies or have a bad cold.

Make sure the bay leaves are dry and put in an ashtray or safe bowl, away from where children are.

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Burn A Bay Leaf In Your House.. The Reason?