Garlic products are used as sources of medicine in many ways in human beings in their day today life.
As a result, researchers from various disciplines are now directing their efforts towards discovering the
medicinal values of garlic on human health. The primary reasons behind its potent medicinal effects is a sulfur compound called allicin, which is formed when a clove of garlic is crushed, chopped or chewed – that’s what also gives garlic its distinct smell. Most experts recommend planting cloves in the fall, after the first frost has passed and the soil is cool. They can also be planted in late winter or early spring as soon as the soil thaws, but cloves planted in the fall tend to produce larger, better bulbs.  You don’t want just any garlic, as most garlic sold in grocery stores have been chemically treated. Choose only organic. Growing Garlic Outdoors:  Most recommend planting cloves in the fall, after the first frost has passed and the soil is cool. But you can also plant garlic in late winter or early spring as soon as the soil thaws, but cloves planted in the fall tend to produce larger, better bulbs, you also want the largest cloves you can get. Choose an area of your garden that gets full sun and loosen up the planting bed to at least 12 inches deep,  mix in a 1-inch of mature compost. Just before planting, break your garlic bulbs into cloves. Be careful not to damage the base of the cloves , damaged cloves will not grow. Poke the cloves into the soil at about 3-4 inches deep with the pointed ends up and space them about 6 to 8 inches apart. Cover with 3 to 5 inches of organic mulch, like shredded leaves or straw. For your garlic to grow properly, it’s important to keep your newly planted cloves moist at all times. Water them regularly, but do not over water your plants as the cloves can easily rot if it gets to too much water.
Some of garlics proven abilities include:
Improving cholesterol levels
Lowering blood pressure
Reducing the risk and possibly preventing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
Support bone health
Improving longevity
Protecting the organs from heavy metal toxicity
Boosting athletic performance
Strengthening the immune system and combating illness