DIY & How To Tips

Natural Head Lice Treatment

Natural Head Lice Treatment

Natural Head Lice Treatment

Well it’s getting ready for back to school time and what is the icky thing that usually shows up first? Head Lice. We’ve all heard about it but you only know how horrific it is IF you have dealt with it in your hair and/or household. I’m itching just thinking about it.  There are lice shampoos out there, but almost 25 years ago when my kids where in school it was extremely expensive, so I can’t even imagine how much it is now.  Here is just one of the all natural head lice treatments.


Head Lice Prevention according to

Head lice are easily spread among children because kids commonly share hats, combs, and other items. If you or your child has head lice, you can help prevent others from getting it if you avoid head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact during activities inside the home and outside the home. Also, don’t share clothing, bedding, hair brushes and accessories, pillows, stuffed animals, or towels. Frequently examining the scalps of your school-age children may help you discover and treat lice before they spread to the rest of your family. Avoiding prolonged close contact with a person who has lice will also reduce your risk.