Home Remedies

5 Best Home Remedies for Migraine Medication


A migraine is more than a typical headache. If you start to experience a migraine headache, you will experience nausea, a pounding pain, and a heightened sensitivity to sound and light.

For the mild migraines, there is the option to use one of the many natural, as a migraine medication at home remedies to help reduce the duration and severity.

5 Best Home Remedies For Migraine Medication

Natural remedies are a drug-free way to reduce migraine symptoms. These at-home treatments may help prevent migraines, or at least help reduce their severity and duration.

5 Best Home Remedies for Migraine Medication.  #HomeRemedies #MigraineMedication #RemediesforMigraine #Remedies #Migraine #MigraineTreatments #MigraineTreatment #migraineSymptoms #headache #nausea #DietforMigraine #MigraineDiet #chronicmigraine #chronicheadache #essentialoil #MigraineCure #Yoga #Magnesium

Here are a list of 5 best Home Remedies for Migraine Medication, you will get benefit from.

1. Diet for Migraine Treatments

A healthy, well-balanced diet can help to minimize the episodes of a migraine. A few of the migraine-associated foods to cut from the diet include pickled foods, dried fruits, ice-cold drinks or ice cream, red wine, certain cheese (Swiss, cheddar, blue and Parmesan), chocolate, and foods rich in nitrates like sausages, bacon and hot dogs.

For the regular sufferer of migraines, you can benefit from keeping a food journal to record what you eat and any adverse effects that may follow.

2. Acupressure as a Migraine Medication

Acupressure is an alternative therapy much-like acupuncture that aims to relieve pain and discomfort in the body. This type of therapy involves using the hands and fingers to apply pressure to specific areas.

As a chronic migraine treatment, it will help people suffering from chronic headaches.

5 Best Home Remedies for Migraine Medication #DietforMigraine #MigraineDiet #PickledFoods #DriedFruits #ColdDrinks #IceCream #RedWine #CertainCheese #Chocolate #Caffeine #Alcohol #Corn #Apples #Bananas #WheatNuts #Peanuts #Sausages #Bacon #Eggs #HotDogs #BrownRice #GreenVeggies #OrangeVeggies #YellowVeggies #MapleSyrup

3. Lavender Oil for Treatment of Migraines

The health benefits of lavender oil are wide-ranging. Inhaling this essential oil has the potential to ease migraine pain. Simply inhale lavender oil directly for 10-15 minutes or applying a diluted solution to the temples.

Like peppermint is a further useful type of oil. It is rich in menthol, which is appreciated for relieving migraine-associated pain, light sensitivity and nausea.

4. Yoga, the Best way to Migraine Cure

A relaxing session of yoga at home helps to promote all-around health and well-being.

Yoga makes full use of body postures, meditation and breathing to relax the body, which can also relieve the intensity, duration, and frequency of migraines.

Magnesium is the Best part of Migraine Medicine.  #HomeRemedies #MigraineMedication #RemediesforMigraine #Remedies #Migraine #MigraineTreatments #MigraineTreatment #migraineSymptoms #headache #nausea #DietforMigraine #MigraineDiet #chronicmigraine #chronicheadache #essentialoil #MigraineCure #Yoga #Magnesium

5. Magnesium is the Best part of Migraine Medicine

A low intake of magnesium is said to increase the risk of experiencing headaches and migraines.

Magnesium is relatively easy to add to your everyday diet and found in food sources like milk, oatmeal, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, and almonds.

Also, there is the option to take magnesium oxide supplements as a migraine treatment.

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