Joining a gym to get a great workout isn’t always needed as long as you have a great workout to help firm and tone your legs right at home.
Yep, right plan can help you get the amazing legs you desire. Doug Bennett, Top American Trainer shows you a simple leg workout circuit to
help you get firm, tone and nicely shaped legs right at home with little equipment.
DAILY FIT ACTION for your legs and bum.
Perform 1 Fit Action a day and they all add up to a Fitter You!
Warning: These workouts are for informational purposes only. Perform at your OWN Risk and always consult with your medical professional before starting any exercise program. Â This is not a personal training prescription as some or all exercises may cause harm or injury to an past injury. Â Always stop immediately when you feel dizzy, faint or sick and call for help.Â
Beginners / Advanced
How to perform: Start at 1 and proceed to # 4 and repeat 1 to 4 for number of sets as written at own risk!
Fit Action Leg Circuit
1. Goblet SquatÂ
beginner 3-4 sets x 20 reps (10-20lbs)Â /Â advanced 6 – 10 sets x 15 reps (20-50lbs)
Advanced start with heaviest you can perform 4-8 reps then drop down to lighter weight to finish 15 reps.
2. Plie Pulsing Squat
beginner 3-4 sets x 25 reps (10-15lbs)Â /Â advanced 6-10 sets x 25 reps (20-30 lbs)
3. Pulsing Lunges
beginner 3-4 sets x 20 reps each leg  /  advanced 5 – 6 sets x  25 reps each leg
4. Jumping Squats (advanced only with medicine ball or dumbbell)
beginner 2-3 sets x 10 reps / advanced 5 – 6 sets x 15-20 reps (10- 25 lb medicine ball)
See Video Demo For Instruction:
Oh, don’t have enough time? Then just follow the beginner level but use heavier weights and add 30 seconds of high knee explosive running in between each exercise.
Oh, want to make it harder? Between each exercise add 30 seconds of mountain climber for the first circuit, second circuit replace mountain climber with 10 burpees, third circuit replace burpees with 15 star jumps, fourth circuit replace star jumps with 30 seconds of running jump rope or 25 jumping jacks, fifth circuit replace jump rope with 1 minute of straight punches to a heavy bag or straight front kicks…
Shall we keep going? Good add a 3-5 mile run.
Oh, you’re at the gym? ok, add this circuit after you do 4 sets heavy bar squats 6-10 reps, leg press 4-6 sets of 20 reps @ 70% max. By the way, I’d keep the circuit to a max of each exercise to 4 sets. Then I’d do 20 minutes of stair stepper.
Now you’ll see the difference between Hollywood trainers and Top American Trainers who run under the radar…
Circuit Developed By:
Doug Bennett
Top American Trainer
27 Years of Training Top Models, Pro and Olympic Athletes
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