
Another Challenging 15 Minute Leg Workout for Home


Today, I’m showing you another challenging home workout to help you shape and tone your legs in just 15 minutes.  If you’re actually trying my workouts you’ll start to notice the difference between my workouts and 99% of the copy cat fitness plans in the market.  Most of the workouts created these days are just random exercises slapped together that may make you sweat but won’t give you the last effects of a good plan.  So, I hope you get to use some of my workouts.
This home leg workout was created to help you change things up to give you toned and firm legs.  The entire leg and butt workout will take you approximately 15 -20 minutes without a rest.  However, if you decided to follow my exact program, this workout can be over 60 minutes if you have unlimited time and you are an advanced fitness person.
As always, make sure to consult your medical professional before starting any exercise plan.  Perform at your own risk.
Your Complete 15 Minute Home Leg Workout:
You’ll need a dumbbell (15-40lb), stand up bag (optional but best), mat.
Format: beginner reps / advanced reps

-Dumbbell Squat   30 reps (no weight) / 30 reps (15lb-40lb.)
-Jumping Squat     30 reps (no weight) / 30 reps (20-30lb mb or db)
-Pulsing Squat  25-50 reps/ 50-100 reps
-1 leg Lunge Pulse 25 reps / 50-100 reps
-Switch Kicks 1 min / 2-3 min
-Stand Ups 15-25 reps each leg / 25-50 reps each leg
-Bridges w db 25 reps (10-25lbs) / 50 reps (20-40lbs.)
-Single Leg Bridges  10-20 reps / 25-50 reps
-Star Jumps 10-20 reps / 25-50 reps
-Run High Knee 1 min / 2-3  min
-Stand Ups  (same as above)
-Switch kicks 1 min / 2-3 min
-Push ups (feet or knees )   10-20 reps / 20-50 reps

Repeat entire program:  beginner 0-1x, advanced 1-4x
Run 2-5 miles or sprints 3 x  300 yards (6 x 25 yards, no rest) for advanced only, 30 sec rest between 300’s.


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