
Quick at home Cardio Boxing Workout to Burn Fat, Build Lean Arms and Get Better At Boxing.


Do you love boxing workouts or want to learn how to incorporate boxing into your workout to smash calories, burn fat and get lean?  Well, now you can right at home.  This simple cardio boxing routine can be done with or without a boxing bag.  However, we recommend purchasing either a heavy bag ( 70lb to 100lb) or a stand up bag that you can fill with water or sand.   These bags will last a lifetime plus give you all the benefits of a fighters workout which is lean muscle, endurance, flat abs and a strong body.

This simple boxing circuit to burn fat below incorporates basic boxing punches along with simple but effective foot work which plays a major part in learning boxing technique.

First notice how trainer Beth jabs straight from her chin and turns her hand over to penetrate the bag.  Once she hits contact she brings her hand immediately back to her chin in a straight line without bringing her hand back to her chest which is a common amateur mistake.  Note: Bethany is not a pro-boxer but has been taught the basics from Pro-Trainer Doug Bennett.

Second, Beth throws her right hand (power hand) from her chin by initiating the punch from her foot by driving her back toe into the ground and turning her foot then knee then hip over before she turns her hip all on the right side before she throws her power and brings her hand back to her ear once she contacts the bag.   Again, after every power punch on the right she makes sure her right shoulder comes back to her basic boxing stance which is her left shoulder (lead shoulder) in front of her back shoulder with her hands on her face.

Third, Beth moves to the right and left of the bag with an open leg shuffle.  So, If she’s moving to the right she moves her left foot first on her balls of feet at all times and then moves her right foot with the same distance.  Hence, she never brings her feet together and keeps her hands up at all times and elbows tucked in.  Once she gets to the side of the bag, she goes into her boxing stance and punches with straight basic punches.

Fourth, each punch sets up the other punch.  Notice her shoulder going forward to back with the hands.  She’s not squared up just throwing her arms.  Make sure to bring one hand back before the other goes out and whip your punches.  Don’t use muscle.  Technique and speed will create power.  Foot, leg, hip shoulder and arm to throw the punch.  Sitting back and not leaning forward to hit the bag.

This boxing circuit you’ll follow below in video:

  1. Beth  starts with 2 punches on the left side of bag and shuffles to the right and performs 2 punches.  Then you’ll add a punch to each side until you go all the way up to doing 10 punches on each side.  Make sure to shuffle to other side without bringing your feet together and keep hands up with elbows tucked to your sides.
  2. Once at 10 punches both sides, then count down by 2 punches until you go from 10 punches to 2 punches (10,8,6,4,2 to each side).  Make sure to keep good form and slow down until you master your technique but give it your all.
  3. Once you’re at the last 2 punches stay on that side and punch as fast as you can for 30 seconds.
  4. Rest 1-2 minutes and perform 2-4x more circuits based upon your fitness level.

Note: if you don’t have a bag then wear gloves or hold 2lb dumbbells in  each hand.  Make sure to straighten your arms with each punch, turn over your hand so that the fingers are facing down at end of punch and you punch over your eye toward the ceiling at 45 degrees.  Use your entire body and shoulders.  You will hurt your shoulders and arms if you punch only with your arms.

To get more out of this simple workout you can add push ups, star jumps, mountain climbers, burpees, curls and the routines are endless.

Warning: make sure to always consult your doctor before starting any exercise routine.  Wrap your hands with hand wraps or slip on boxing wraps to protect your hands and wrist.  Also, use 12 ounce gloves for best results.

Boxing Workout Equipment needed to burn fat:

    1. Stand Up boxing Bag (click below)


  1. 12 Ounce Gloves (click below)

TITLE Classic Pro Style Training Gloves, Black/White, 12-Ounce

    1. Hand wraps (click below)

RDX Training Boxing Inner Gloves Hand Wraps MMA Fist Protector Bandages Mitts

Cardio Boxing Workout for Women with a Bag to Burn Fat and Get Fit Fast is Below


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