Try this Total Body Fitness Boxing Workout to help you get ultra-fit, tone from head to toe, define your muscles and build your fitness. Working out at home doesn’t have to be boring or simply a set of simple exercises. Today I put together a complete total body workout for women to help them lose weight, get fit and use boxing exercises to develop strength, fitness and agility. Punch exercises and punching a bag are one of the best ways to burn the most calories in the fastest amount of time.
Always, use good form when performing boxing exercises especially punching a heavy bag. Slowly develop your boxing skills while training. Practicing perfect boxing skills and punches will help you get the most out of your workout. Anyone can flail around but if you have good boxing skills, your workouts will be fun and you’ll burn more calories.
My new course on Udemy, Metabolic Boxing, shows you step-by-step how to combine pro-level boxing skills with high level fitness workouts to transform both your fitness and body.
Learn more about my program here >> Metabolic Boxing
Today’s Home Workout: Total Body Fitness Boxing Workout
Always, consult with your medical professional before starting this exercise or any exercise program. These workouts are for informational purposes only and NOT a personal prescription. Please, perform at your own risk.
- Please give each exercise your best effort.
- Cardio: train with intensity.
- Weights: keep good form and challenge yourself with heavier weights.
- Advanced: You should be struggling towards the end of each set.
- Beginners should use light weights!
- Complete all exercises in each circuit from top to bottom and repeat that circuits based upon your level of fitness before going on to the next circuit.
- BEGINNER / ADVANCED repetitions will be to right of each exercise
- Perform each circuit before moving onto next circuit
- If you’re very limited on time, just do 3 sets (3x) of each
- Each circuit perform top to bottom and repeat as written
- I created a link in blue for exercises to view for form, tap exercise to view
- Jump Rope or Jumping Jack with fist 1 minute / 2 minutes
- Squat with Db (heaviest you can do) 15 reps / 20 reps
- Stand Ups 10 each leg / 25 each leg
- Star Jumps 20 Reps / 50 Reps
Repeat all 4 ( beginner 2-3x, advanced 5-6x)
- Mountain Climbers (both balls feet hit ground!) 1 minute / 1 minute
- Skating 1 minute / 1 minute
- Hammer Curls keep elbows to side 10 reps (5-12 lbs) / 15 reps (10-20lbs)
- Push Ups 10 (knees) / 10 (no knees)
- Clapping Push Ups, knees 5-10 / 15-25
Repeat all 5 (beginner 2-3x, advanced 5x)
1, Burpees w a 10 high knee runs 10 / 30
* Make sure to let your entire body hit the ground and press off palms of hands hard to jump up into a SQUAT!
Take Your time and don’t rush. Have a lower back injury or cant do burpees? Do Jumping Squats instead!
2, Run High Knee 🙂 2 minute / 2 minutes
Repeat both, (beginner 1x, advanced 3x)
Perform Preferably with bag and gloves to get the biggest impact.
No bag or gloves? use 1 lb weights or just a closed fist. Try to use good form.
Want to buy a bag? see below for best bag and price
click here (best for kicking and punching): xxl
click here (for punching) : wavemaster
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